Monday 6 December 2010

evaluation of little people

1. What are you thoughts on the finished product:?
my thoughts on the finsihed product on the whole are that im happy with the work i have produced and i think that the changes that i made benifited me in the end. i feel like the work that i did look good enough to represent the college if chosen to do so. in spercificly i like my little person on the moped on the back of a car, as its a little humerus.

2. Does it look how you originally planned?
its not what i originally planed but it sort of does although due to some of the changes that i made think made it better than my original plan,

3. What do you think about the qualities of your work? In Focus, Good bad light
i think the qualitie of my work is good, i think the focus was just right with the lighting, my pictures are focused on the little people and what they are doing so its not bluring or anything else, also i havent use too much bluetac to stick my little people down i used just enough to not let it be visible.

4. Give your ideas about comments from others, eg audience, peers, tutors, client
the comments and feedback that i got i will take on board what my fellow peers have said and what my tutor has to say about my work, i think the more i listen around and adjust my work the better qualitie of work i can produce and the better i produce the more attention i can get.

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