Monday 6 December 2010

evaluation of little people

1. What are you thoughts on the finished product:?
my thoughts on the finsihed product on the whole are that im happy with the work i have produced and i think that the changes that i made benifited me in the end. i feel like the work that i did look good enough to represent the college if chosen to do so. in spercificly i like my little person on the moped on the back of a car, as its a little humerus.

2. Does it look how you originally planned?
its not what i originally planed but it sort of does although due to some of the changes that i made think made it better than my original plan,

3. What do you think about the qualities of your work? In Focus, Good bad light
i think the qualitie of my work is good, i think the focus was just right with the lighting, my pictures are focused on the little people and what they are doing so its not bluring or anything else, also i havent use too much bluetac to stick my little people down i used just enough to not let it be visible.

4. Give your ideas about comments from others, eg audience, peers, tutors, client
the comments and feedback that i got i will take on board what my fellow peers have said and what my tutor has to say about my work, i think the more i listen around and adjust my work the better qualitie of work i can produce and the better i produce the more attention i can get.

Monday 29 November 2010


Where to hold the exhibition?
The exhibition will be held at central Sussex College at 1pm till 2pm in room T42.
How might it look?
There will be different types of examples handed out to attract them more towards the work shop which will be in the corner for anyone to try and see what type of work we do and see the skills they have that they did or didn’t know about.
Who to invite?
Looking to invited members of college who are looking to getting into media and also other people from outside college who are also looking to get involved and looking to take up media in the following year,
Titles for the photos?
Depending on which model they use on which thing the name of the titles will change, although the main title for the workshop is the things you could do with little people.

Monday 22 November 2010

little people attending college

from a small period of time we have been taking pictures of little people in and around college to represent college and this is some of the work i have come up with.

Monday 8 November 2010


Portfolio title:
Little people attending college
Target audience:
People who are interested in coming to central Sussex college
Mix people in college
Presentation medium: (print/Web/slideshow)
Slide show and print outs.
Portfolio goals and objectives:
      Show that no matter what type of person you are you are accepted into college, somewhere were you can actually be yourself and be accepted for it and be treated like a adult and not a child.
      I want the audience to change from thinking college is for those who are less able to achieve something but instead for everyone who can and will achieve something, show the audience that college is a place that will help you take your 1st step to follow your dreams.
      Can I with the help of little people change the thoughts of people and attract them towards central Sussex college.
Portfolio description:





Location and resources:
         On the table with a college prospect book with 2 little people
         Engineering block with a engineering person.
         Cheff toy in the food block next to a dish
         A smartly dressed toy standing next to a key board looking on asif its doing work

Thursday 4 November 2010

thursday 4th november "little peoples project"

artist: Slinkachu
age: 28 years
sex: male
location: uk
height: 5ft9

little people project started in 2006 involving the remodelling and panting of miniature model train set characters,
in 2008 he started another project called inner city snail. Which involves him decorating snails and then letting them go free again comparing this to him project he started in 2006 he said “snails can also be seen as a satire of street art”

Thursday 7 October 2010

Scanning For The 1st Time.

Today: 7th october 2010

today we used the scanner for the 1st time and what we did was 1st choose a picture to scan then while the scanner was being then we uploaded and then put into ipicture and messed around with it and tried to see if we could produce anything simular to the origanal copy.

Monday 4 October 2010

Assignment 1 - Crawley Task

Portfolio title: Photo Project 1
Target audience: Student Photographers
Theme: Nature (Memorial Gardens)
Presentation medium: (print/Web/slideshow)
Portfolio goals and objectives:
• What does the project aim to do?
show the nicer side of crawley town and some of the attractive things in and around it.
• What effect do you want to have on the audience?
to show members of my photography class and other members of the college the brighter sides of crawley and when seeing things from different angels and seeing that something that expressed though picture could be so nice so it attracts them to go and visit more often.
• Is there a question you are exploring?
can a place with a bad name redeem itself and show just how nice it can be?
Portfolio description: 
Medium close-up shots
Long shots
Medium long shots
Close-up shots
Location and resources:
The location for my photoshoot will be located in Memorial gardens in Crawley Town centre, it will consist of different type of picturres being taken from different angles and different light shades. The equipment i will be using are a tripod and a photography camera to take my pictures.

Thursday 30 September 2010

Monday 27th / September / 2010

on monday me and my group went out and took pictures of objects from diffrent angles to experiment with the driffent shutter speeds and apature also light and darkness, these are the pictures that were taken and there shutter speed, apature and light and darkness.